Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We had our team meeting. We had a good time sharing stories and praying together. Jaime and I gave framed pictures of our team and a tin of cookies.

Gary and I found Staples, the office supply store in a taxi, most of the time seemed to be spent sitting and telling the driver where we wanted to go. He had never been to the address and didn't really know the area. It is maybe twenty minutes by bicycle. They lack a real store, but have a warehouse, are open 9-5:30, and everything can be ordered from catalogs.

Luke 13-16
Did Jesus heal on every Sabbath? Why didn't the Pharisees get that Jesus was going to continue setting people free? They thought he is doing something horrible, but he consistently reminded them of how kind they are to their animals. People are so much more important than animals. Why didn't they hear? Oh, yeah, they are blind and deaf because they think they see and are wanting to trap Jesus. They don't really care about the truth he is bringing, they don't actually listen for transforming reasons, so they never really understand him or his teaching. They are sensitive to criticism, only because they are more concerned about their image than other people, so they sure know when Jesus is telling a story that applies to them.

The great banquet day is coming and I am prayerfully listening for the voice of Jesus.

Power of a Praying Husband - Her Relationships
Jaime needs relationships that are healthy and holy. Family, friends, and forgiveness play critical roles in everyone's life, especially in women's relationships. They need a few good close friends that aren't negative, critical, or harsh, but positive, blessing, and nurturing.

God you know what we need before we ask. Bless us according to your great riches, bless us according to your kind favor, grant us relationships that are increasingly drawing closer to you, healthier, holier, more sensitive to your heart's desire, more willing to love and bless one another. God allow us to be those kinds of friends.

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