Monday, December 8, 2008

Missing Last Night's Review

Daily Goals:
  1. Bible
    Having read throughout church yesterday, due to not understanding the Chinese sermon, I got further along in the reading plan.
  2. Mandarin study
    Didn't do much at all. I listened to Pimsleur on the way to the dentist. Good news, I found a word list for all that Pimsleur teaches that I can plug into PlecoFlash.
  3. Fitness
    Didn't really happen this past week.
  4. Internet
    Yesterday wasn't especially good, but if I am justifying myself, I found a lot of resources for studying Chinese.
Weekly Goals:
  1. Sabbath
    Didn't happen this past week.
  2. Call family
    Called a few.
  3. Email Newsletter
    Working on the schedule and content.

Monthly Goals:
  1. Have a full Sabbath day
    This will have to been scheduled like everything else.
Yearly Goals:
  1. Read the Bible through - accomplished in daily goals
    I will try for as much of the NT as possible before the New Year.
  2. Take a relaxing vacation with Jaime
    Working on this for January.

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