Sunday, December 7, 2008

When 2 or 3 Gather

Matthew 16-18
I especially like chapter 18's statement, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." This statement has power because of the surrounding verses of the chapter. Who is the greatest? The one with a little child's faith. How do we deal with personal sin, my sin? I cut it off, cut it out of my life, very severely. Who should we be looking up to or at least not "down on"? The little one whose angel continually sees the face of the Lord. If they wonder off? We bring them back. If they sin? Show them in all humility. If they repent, forgive, if not take it up to the next level of accountability. All the way to God. God, who is with us as we trust & obey him, love and serve the little lambs, deal severely with personal sin, and forgive our fellow faith travelers.

Power of a Pray Husband
"It's His will, not ours that will be done." If I am praying for my wife, then I am submitting to God's will. I am asking for God's will to be done in my life and in my wife. If this is the focus of my prayers, then I have been given God's power to claim freedom from Satan's power. Sure he can tempt, but that doesn't make him my master. Sure he can frustrate, but that doesn't make him my father. God alone is my Savior, Father, Lord, Master, and Friend! God has granted me power to defeat the schemes of Satan. God wants me to be like Jesus and He thinks I can become like Jesus!

Using the prayer given by Jesus,
  • Our Father - You are Lord of all, whether we acknowledge this fact or not
  • Who is heaven - You are so high above us, yet You love us enough to become one of us
  • Your name is holy - help me to keep your name holy in my life, to give you honor, prestige, power, and glory at all times
  • Your will be done - may Earth look more and more like heaven, especially my life
  • Give us today our daily bread, my daily needs you provide - I don't need more stuff, I need more of You
  • Forgive us as we forgive others - I need greater forgiveness than I let on, I am desperate for You
  • Lead me into humility & obedience to you, keep me from sin and Satan
  • Let me experience your power and presence in my life everyday
  • For you are all powerful and receive all the glory
  • In the name of Jesus
  • May all this be Your will and mine - that is the greater difficulty, turning my will into Yours.
God has shown me again that I need greater humility, greater obedience to Him, and more trust in our relationship.

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