Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cookies, Division, and Purpose

Caught up on email, I finally replied to all the emails. I try not to spend too much time each day online, but then I need to catch up on the weekend. I spent a good amount of time yesterday just replying to emails. While doing this, I checked out our new church website:

After much preparation and lots of help from our friends (Nikki, Sunni, and Lin Shan, and five girls from the orphanage), we made a ton of cookies yesterday afternoon and last night. Then we went to the apartments in our building to give them out, starting with our immediate neighbors. We went from the 22nd floor and knocked on every door down to and including the 13th floor. We had so much fun! Each bag had 5 small cookies and this message:
邱安路 Andrew Hill 先生 (86)15901173497;
希珍米 Jaime Hill 太太 (86)15901173498;
It says:
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
Chinese name, English name, Husband/Wife; mobile phone, email address
We are Christians. We live at 418-2203 Wangjing Xincheng. We give you this gift because Jesus gave his life for us on the cross. We pray that God gives you love, peace, and many blessings. If you have any questions about Christianity or English, we have an English small group Bible study in our home every Wednesday night at 7. At the same time, but in another place is another small group meeting in Chinese.
Then we invited them to our Christmas Party that is happening today!

John 9-12
Blind receive sight, dead walk. Jesus is amazing! He kept on for 3 years while people were telling him he was a Samaritan, demon-possessed, crazy, from the devil, and who knows what else. He kept on loving these people, healing them and their friends, and they wanted to kill him. Well, some of them wanted to kill him and some of them wanted to make him king!

I can't help but think the world is still the same. Many people want to get rid of Jesus, take him out of our world, and remove even the hint of his authority over their life, while many are trying to make Jesus king of their world.

Jesus needs to be king of my life! The more people make Jesus the king of their life, the more Jesus is king of this world. We can't have Jesus as king of the world, if he isn't first the king of each individual's life.

Power of a Praying Husband - Purpose
Purpose is so powerful. When I realized and accepted my purpose, what God wanted me to do here on earth, I had so much more energy and excitement about my life. I can't help but think that if more and more people knew their individual God-given purpose for being alive that this world would be so full of good works, the Spirit of God, and as people like to say "positive energy" - that ... I think the world would be more divided. People would know who the Lord of Lords is and still reject him, while others would grow in their faith and love for God and truly know his transforming power. This must be what the great war of Revelation is about, the increasingly divisive nature of Jesus. Some will worship him, while others will attack his worshipers, and of course there are those that will just watch it all happen. I pray many will give cups of cold water and be graciously hospitable to the children of God, that they might grow in faith, love, and trust Jesus completely.

God grant Jaime the vision, wisdom, and desire for your purpose to be blatantly clear in her life. God give me the words to encourage your Spirit within her to fan into flames the gifts you have given her. May Jaime be blessed to be a blessing, having increasing sensitivity to how, when, and where you are and will use her.

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