Friday, January 23, 2009

Plagues, Judgmentalism, Worship

We met with Brad & Min for dinner.

The Daily Bible - Exodus 5-8
Plagues on the Egyptians. Moses goes to Pharaoh and the plagues begin.

Boundaries in Marriage - Setting Boundaries with Yourself
This happens when one spouse criticizes, judges, and condemns the other. The judging spouse is not aware of how hurtful their actions are, but they are also trying to find love and acceptance while misreading the actions of their spouse. This misreading causes the judged spouse to recoil out of fear. Fear drives out love and quickly destroys the relationship, this is the opposite of what God intends (1 John 4:18).

To remedy this, the judging spouse needs to ask their spouse how much pain is brought as a result of their judgment, develop the ability to receive God's love and forgiveness, and develop compassion for others.

Lord reach inside my heart and create more room for you. Give me increasing desire for your love, followed by discipline to grow, encouraged by grace, let me know you more. Help me to follow your desire for me each day. Let my heart be molded in your hands, let my mind be fed by your love, let my soul be satisfied only in your presence, God I want to be with you each day. Grant us your love, peace, and mercy. Cast out our anxiety, foolishness, and selfish pride. Let us grow through your compassion. Be with your church, make leaders rise up throughout the world that will guide your people into every increasing humility before your throne, yet with boldness to gather your flock and call us all to worship you. Give us times of deep worship, let us know your presence, let your Spirit empower us to greater passion for you and compassion for others. Thank you for your grace, mercy, and forgiveness through Jesus.

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