Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sick day...

Today I am not feeling well. Woke with a fever of 102.7... went directly to the local clinic had a chest x-ray, blood work, then received some IVs.

I'll be trying to catch up on this later on today or tomorrow. For now it is bed time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Two vs. One, Irrevocable Blessings, Symptoms or Roots

Met with some of the China teachers at their winter meeting, which will last all week. I plan to go today to an actual part of it, not just visit after. I had an appointment yesterday with some French folks who design ski resorts!

Everything takes longer without Jaime here. Two are definitely better than one.

The Daily Bible
Balak summons Balaam to curse the Israelites, but all Balaam does is bless them according to the Lord's desire. God blesses and when he blesses no one can take away that blessing.

Boundaries in Marriage
Intruders (schedules, people, or other) are often the symptom or result of another problem. The real issue, the root issue must be addressed in order to remove the symptom. Just like you shouldn't focus all attention on the stomachache, when the real cause is drinking too much alcohol.

God you are a blessing beyond compare, help me to focus on you, your heart, and your ways. Bless us all to love you and serve you. Watch over our efforts for you, destroy our plans of lower quality and lesser fruits. Show us how to plant and sow with eternal rewards. Honor us with your presence and heal us of our sin and sickness. Thank you Father for our brother Jesus, amen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jaime Departed, Wanderings Complete, Healthy Outsiders

I delivered Jaime to the airport, then went shopping for a few things. I bought some new friends to keep me company while Jaime is away, Red & Blue are my two new Betas.

The Daily Bible
The wanderings of Israel are almost at an end. Miriam dies. Moses and Aaron disobey God and will not enter the promised land. Aaron dies. There are some battles and the Israelites have victories as they dedicate the battles to the Lord. Moses recorded the wanderings of the 40 years.

Boundaries in Marriage
Outsiders should be helpful not harmful to your marriage. Marriage was not meant to be the only source of life, emotional connection, or relationship. Choosing safe, healthy, marriage enhancing friends and activities is essential to keeping the marriage bonds growing deeper throughout the years.

Thank you Lord for this day. Help me to be a servant to others, trusting you for energy to serve. Thank you for Jesus. Amen.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quick, No, Cold

We had an LST party after worship. It was fun, the Miller family did a great job! I then went to my visit with the dentist.

The Daily Bible
Korah's rebellion, subsequent death, plague, and God's choosing of Aaron by the fruiting of his staff. Offerings and tithes are set apart as the Levites' wages and a tithe of all of that is to be the wages for Aaron.

Boundaries in Marriage
Saying no is required. In marriage one must say no to other things to say yes to marriage. You can't live like a single and expect a deep intimacy in marriage. You must forsake the other people, things, events, etc. to ensure your marital relationship grows deeper every day.

This is what I want to pray: Lord get rid of this cold, please add some moisture to the air in Beijing and especially the air in my house. Help the people who regulate the temperature to keep it a little colder so more moisture stays in the air.

This is what I should pray: Thank you Lord for our warm home. Thank you for all your blessings. Please be with Jaime as she travels to the States today. Watch over us as we are apart. Help your church to grow, use us to bless others and draw them closer to your heart. Amen.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grandma's, Moses, Triangulation

We went to Grandma's Kitchen & Guesthouse for lunch/breakfast. It is a beautiful, comfortable, very convenient place! And the food is great! We invited the servers to join our Let's Start Talking groups and Bible study groups.

The Daily Bible
Moses has two bad spells, first Miriam and Aaron speak against him with Miriam becoming leprous, then the entire nation of Israel refuses to believe the report of Joshua and Caleb and will wonder in the desert for 40 years and all 20 and older will die.

Boundaries in Marriage
Three's a Crowd shows how to deal with many intruders and begins with triangulation as it pertains to gossip, which can lead to greater triangulations. When A goes to C to talk about the problems in with B, then A is really gossiping and needs to go back to B to work out the problems and C should say as much.

Lord God, thank you for blessings us with your Word, your love, and this world. Help us to treasure you, our relationship with you, and may we always desire to bring others into relationship with you. Give us opportunities to bless others, motivation to share your Word, encouragement to share your love, compassion to care for their hurts, divine appointments to reach out for you, and your love so they know it is all from you. Thank you for our Savior, amen.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday to Me!

Jaime bought me a guitar for my birthday and gave it to me yesterday! I'll be practicing every day.

Cloud and Fire, Holy Reality

The guys' study was at my house, minus Gary who has been in Sichuan and will now be traveling to Russia and Serbia/Yugoslavia. We will not be playing Settlers on Fridays nights any more, this will need to be a different time and activity separate from our study time.

Jaime leaves for the States on Monday...this weekend will be focused on us.

The Daily Bible
The Lord directs through cloud and fire that rest on the Tabernacle when and where the Israelites are to camp, then when the cloud or fire lifted it was time move out to follow the Lord. Moses is given 70 elders that will share the Spirit of the Lord and assist with administrative duties and the people are given quail to eat, which comes with a plague so that many who were murmuring died.

Boundaries in Marriage
God is holy. God is life and the ultimate reality, so to be anything but holy is to move away from God. If every marriage were to strive for holiness, the following would be present:
  • Confession and ownership of the problems in each individual
  • A relentless drive toward growth and development
  • A giving up of everything that gets in the way of love
  • A surrendering of everything that gets in the way of truth
  • A purity of heart where nothing toxic is allowed to grow
I find the above very interesting... I have been striving in this direction for a long time, longing for these same goals, but have never written them down so succinctly as this book does. I long for these ideals to be my reality. To have these ideals ever present is the challenge. Most people can do this for a period of time, but to keep them front and center throughout life is the challenge for every Christian.

God you are holy, you are reality, without you there is nothing. Bless us to see you daily, to know you, to long for you and find you in every person we meet and activity we participate in. Lord, call us to your holiness. Call us to your reality. Bring us close to you and remove our sin. Bless us to be a blessing. Watch over us, be with the sick, hurting, and lonely people of this world, bring them into your tender loving arms. Remove the wicked, replace them with the righteous in positions of power and blessing. Let the world see the true nature of sinful leaders, leaders who would draw us closer to sin and Satan, then God let them know you as their God, Savior, Friend, and Beloved. You have all power and pleasure. May we grow in you to be like Jesus, amen.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Doc, Duties, Compassion

Our house guests left last night. Jaime and I watched "What's up Doc?" an old Barbara Streisand movie and went to bed.

The Daily Bible
The Tabernacle responsibilities are divvied up. The Levites are told where to camp, what to carry, and that Moses and Aaron are the only ones allowed to look at the objects inside the tents. Moses and Aaron go in, wrap up everything, then the Levites carry the wrapped objects to the next encampment.

Boundaries in Marriage
Compassion and Forgiveness are the focus of chapter ten. The idea is simple. Hardness of heart is what kills a marriage, so be compassionate and forgive. Identify with your spouses weakness, sin, or struggle, then love them. Don't judge them and take a higher ground stance, but stoop to bless them. Any time we are in a strong position, God wants us to use it to serve, whether in marriage, business, church, or the world.

God in heaven, help us to honor you. Give us increasing understanding and relationship with your Spirit so that we can glorify you. Bless us with our daily needs, remove our sins, and give us compassion to bless others with your love and forgiveness. Keep us from sin, strengthen us to stand in your presence continually praising your glorious name.

God bless this world to know you. May you awaken more and more people to your glory, beauty, and truth. Draw me close to you so others can know you more. Remove my selfish pride and show me how to be more humble. Forgive me and bless me with a renewed heart and mind. God I feel empty this morning, fill me up with your love and holiness.

How am I to pray for my loved ones and the lost Lord? What can I do to refresh my relationship with you? How can I know you more?

As the morning dawn arrives, wake your children to pray for the widows and orphans, the sick and the dieing, the lost and suffering. God call us to pick up the cross and follow you to care for these children of yours. Give us servant hearts, and hands devoted to service and blessing.

You are glorious and holy God, like nothing else. Thank you for sharing your glory and grace with us, through Jesus I pray, amen.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Students, Marching Orders, Faithfulness

I went back to both classes - man, 3 hours of Chinese makes the mind very tired.

We had dinner at Peter's Tex-Mex, came home for our Bible Study. We had two three new people attend. Alice is from our building and works at the local hospital. She wants to believe, but isn't sure which religion is the right one. Rebekah is not believing, but interested in English and Lily brought her. The third woman is Jane, she has been a believer/Christian for 18 years, she came with Timothy and Stella.

We watched the first two episodes of Lost season 5 with our house guests.

The Daily Bible
The first Passover since the actual Passover in Egypt is celebrated. Those that were unclean because of a dead body are allowed to celebrate it.

The Israelites are counted and given their marching and camping orders.

Boundaries in Marriage
Chapter 9 deals with faithfulness. This is not a shallow faithfulness of simply keeping the body pure in marriage, that is only sleeping with your spouse, but this faithfulness demands complete fidelity. Giving parts of the heart away to addiction, dishonesty, or some lust will destroy a marriage.

Lord I pray you bless the members of our Bible study. Let them grow to love you with their whole being, encourage them to share this relationship with their family and friends. Bless us to love you and love others with your love.

Watch over our friends as the travel back from Sichuan and others as they come to Beijing for our upcoming meeting. Bless our house guests with safe travel to their homes. God give us all daily divine appointments, opportunities to share your love and your Name with people who don't yet know you. Give us grace to bless them with so they can grow in your love.

Be with our family members that are pregnant, guide their children in your ways, direct the parents towards your ideals for parenting, and give them all generational health and blessings. Be with K and also Z - both of whom have Leukemia. Give them health and most of all your love, comfort, and a deeper desire for relationship with you.

Through the love of Jesus, amen.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Levites, Deception, Obedience

Our guests arrived from Europe. I went back to class. We had supper with the LST team at Sizzler. I found a great tool for uploading pictures to Facebook, which should make the process faster and more enjoyable.

The Daily Bible
The Levites are chosen as priests for the Lord. The leaders of each tribe bring sacrifices for the Lord, some of which are then given to the Levites so they can before their Tabernacle work. God speaks to Moses from the mercy seat about where the light from the lampstand should shine.

Boundaries in Marriage
Deception is usually employed when trying to protect oneself. It is defensive and based on fears. In a truly healthy marriage fear is dispelled by building honesty in every situation. Telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is not just for courtrooms.

Holy Father thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth, to share with us the nature of humanity throughout the ages. Help us to use these examples as motivation to find the truth and obey you. Thank you for providing our daily needs.

Be with Z's father as he also undergoes treatment for Leukemia. God we know you didn't make all this sickness, but we brought it on ourselves as a result of eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden. God we so look forward to the day that you remove this curse and we are perfect in Spirit and body (whatever that body may be). Thank you for helping us each day, for strengthening our heart, hands, and minds to follow you.

May your glory spread throughout this world and may you be known as the only true God, gracious and merciful to all who will turn to you. God may your holiness spread throughout our lives, into our hearts and minds so that we can obey you and have purity in all our activities.

Thank you for Jesus our Savior, by his power, amen.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steelers, Moses as Priest, Honesty, New Direction in Prayer

The Steelers won the Super Bowl for the sixth time! I thought it was only the fifth, but missed the one in 2005. After reading their Wikipedia article I realized I didn't really know to much about the organization.

I had bought a new phone recently... but had some troubles with it, so I was up too late the night before. Then spent too much time trying to get it rehabbed yesterday. Due to lack of sleep, the Steeelers Super Bowl win, and my trying to get the phone fixed I didn't read yesterday. That must be the first (at most second) day of reading I have actually missed since I began. I didn't journal while on vacation, but I did read. There is a sense of guilt, but not really. I feel more sad that I screwed up the new phone, missed a dinner appointment, and wasted so much time. I don't feel like God is angry with me about not reading for a day, but that he would be equally disappointed that other things seemed to take precedence over relationships. Things - a phone - seemed more important than many things for one day. I will do my best to truly learn from this experience. Things come after relationships.

The Daily Bible
Moses is part priest, prophet, judge, and king. Moses is the first to offer sacrifices at the Tabernacle. There is a lot of blood involved in the sacrifices. Obviously God is the king, Israel was a theocracy, but maybe Moses has the power and presence of a king because of all his other roles.

Boundaries in Marriage - Honesty
Real intimacy in marriage comes through honesty about all things. Spouses need to share their desires, struggles, emotions, and all the deepest issues of their hearts and lives with each other so that their connection can grow deeper. The depth of the marital relationship is directly related to the depth of honestly sharing (in loving ways) the depth of your heart.

Father help me to put relationships above things. Help me to know you first, to make our relationship more important than anything. Lord guide my priorities each day. Prompt with your Word, your Spirit, and everything in this world and the next to know and understand the love and discipline I need to have to be more like Jesus. Grant me your forgiveness and honor me with the awareness of your daily grace. Thank you God for your blessings.

(In thinking about these prayers... I recognize their focus seems to be primarily on me. Partly because I don't want to mention everybody I am praying for - out of respect for their privacy, their lives, and making some presence of another known on the Internet. I think I will begin to pray for them without typing their names, but mentioning their needs and one of their initials. I need to be more intentional in all my prayers, asking God's blessings for others.)

God please bless K and her family. She has just been diagnosed with Leukemia. During this struggle for her life, I pray you bless her with your comfort and love. Let her know it is from you. And give her more blessings than she can count. Allow her to draw closer to you, to find you as the source of her life, love, and blessings. Grant her family peace, patience, and power to overcome.

Thank you Father for Jesus who gives us all the ability to know you and talk with you directly. Amen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Harbin, Generosity, Blessings

Well, yesterday was more like four days, than just one because I haven't written down my thoughts for the past four days. I did have my computer, but didn't follow through with journaling because the first day I was on the plane and the next few days I didn't really want to for various reasons (lack of time and privacy being the main reasons). Now I am back in our spare room, happily journaling my life's events.

We left for Harbin on Wednesday at some seemingly much to early hour. Then we arrived in the frozen land of Harbin... where there were ice sculptures everywhere... and we stayed there until very early Saturday morning. We flew there and back, no train tickets to be found anywhere and not wanting to take a bus.

While there we met up with Enya, Shirley, Daniel, and Tony. Enya and Tony are Christians. Daniel is Buddhist, and Shirley wants to claim Christianity, but hasn't been baptized. We ate dinner with them a few times and I had a good talk with Daniel about the teachings of Jesus. Daniel was very receptive and said the teachings of Jesus were true, right, and good. Now if only Daniel would read more and understand, maybe he would be moved to accept Christ. Maybe the seed that was planted by his grandmother and the watering I gave it will heighten his sensitivity to the Spirit's call on his life.

While there we went to the Russian church building that has been converted into a museum, the Russian cobblestone street down the middle of town, the flood memorial, walked on the frozen river with hundreds of other people (some doing donuts in their cars), saw the ice world, and finally went to the tiger park. Everything the Lonely Planet says about these events is dead on. The one thing the lonely planet got wrong - 1914 Russia cafe was terribly slow, didn't even have what was on their menu, and weren't very kind about it all. They were swamped, it was the holiday, but they needed to plan better.

On my birthday, I learned how to play one version of Landlord - a very simple game (with a high level of strategy) that seems like a three person version of War where you get to look at your cards. I had hotpot and a pretty good Chinese cake. I was very happy to share my birthday with my new friends in Harbin - it was intimate, enjoyable, and a pleasant surprise.

On returning home I had a mess of birthday greetings; more than 100 on Facebook and a few more by email.

Last night was Gary's birthday. Danita threw him a great party and tons of people came for a Mexican feast. Gary opened his presents and we heard someone read statements about Gary's life and had to decide which were true. We also met the Miller family (LST group) for the second time, the mom and dad were here last year.

I've been watching TED Talks... and must say I am amazed by the diversity of it all and love the interesting topics they present. They really are worth watching. It is definitely better than watching a movie or TV. I learn something and am entertained.

The Daily Bible - Exodus 35-38
The Israelites followed God's directions in making the Tabernacle. They were very generous, so much so that Moses had to order them to stop giving offerings to the Lord.

Boundaries in Marriage - Chapter 7, Value Two, Love of Your Spouse
Truly loving your spouse means your spouse is of great value - you love her as you love yourself! You identify with her, that is you feel the effects your behavior has on her, thus changing your own behavior to be more suited to her. Loving your spouse as yourself means you think of making your spouses life better. You want what is best for your spouse, even when they don't know what that is.

God thank you for putting wonderful people in my life. Thank you for Jaime, her desire to bless me with such a wonderful birthday. Thank you for the friends we made in Harbin, for all the help, and for their desire to bless us. Thank you for using all these people to provide such wonderful blessings of relationship and joy. Thank you for Gary & Danita, Sal & Andrey, Jacky & Alicia. God thank you for my family here in Wangjing. I pray that you help us to grow in every way. Help us to bless you with our lives, our worship, and every desire of our heart.